UICELLECT | Give a cell array, get a nicely laid out UI for selecting ("cellecting") cells

バージョン (35.4 KB) 作成者: Bob Spunt
Give a cell array, get a nicely laid out UI for selecting ("cellecting") cells
ダウンロード: 152
更新 2017/6/23

Give a cell array, get a UI for selecting ("cellecting") contents of one or more cells and returning the contents and their indices. Automated layout of lengthy cell arrays in multiple columns. Option to enable/disable multi-selection. When multi-selection is enabled, uicontrol to select all/de-select all is automatically created.
For more info, see the GitHub repository on which it is maintained: https://github.com/spunt/uicellect


Bob Spunt (2025). UICELLECT | Give a cell array, get a nicely laid out UI for selecting ("cellecting") cells (https://github.com/spunt/uicellect), GitHub. に取得済み.

MATLAB リリースの互換性
作成: R2015a
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