mysubplot: subplots with major title

Make subplot and add major/big title to the figure
ダウンロード: 439
更新 2016/8/3


Similar to `subplot`, but can add a major title on top. Can change the size of padding between subplots
Syntax: mysubplot( L, W, ID, bigtitle, tightL, tightW)

L, W: the dimension of subplots as in subplot(L,W,ID);
to make larger subplot, make [ID] a vector with IDs of multiple cells.
ID: The location of subplot as in subplot(L,W,ID)
to make mojor title, set ID = 0
bigtitle: string of the major title; be ignored when ID ~= 0. (can put [] as place holder)
tightL, tightW: How tight the subplots packed, on the first and second dimension.
Or the ratio of space between subplots to the size of subplot.
Default : 0.3, 0.3

To make subplot: mysubplot(L, W, ID, [], tightL, tightW)
(use the first 3 arguments like in matlab function subplot.)

To make major title: mysubplot(L, W, 0, bigtitle)
(use the first 2 arguments like in subplot, but set ID = 0.)

To print subplot cell layout: mysubplot(L, W)

See PDF for full documentation.


Wei-Ting Lin (2025). mysubplot: subplots with major title (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. に取得済み.

MATLAB リリースの互換性
作成: R2014a
Windows macOS Linux

ヒントを得たファイル: mtit: a pedestrian major title creator, mycolor(colorcode, selectplate)

ヒントを与えたファイル: myplot_RAC: Rank-Abundance Curve

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バージョン 公開済み リリース ノート

Fix bugs. Add tightL, tightW. Add display layout utility.

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