Obtain All Tickers Traded on BATS Exchange

バージョン (8.17 KB) 作成者: Matthaeus
Obtain structured data for all stock and fund tickers from the BATS website
ダウンロード: 366
更新 2015/7/26


This function downloads the public CSV file of all ticker symbols traded on the BATS exchange (list changed at least daily). This can be reconciled against a reference date/time, in which case change the timezone (mine is central time, as coded). Most of the time probably just don't supply any inputs or strip out the code relating to date/time.
The tickers are then scraped from the CSV file and reformatted for Yahoo Finance, but this can easily be recoded if some other data supplier is being used. This is just about the most comprehensive list of tickers available in a public format.


Matthaeus (2024). Obtain All Tickers Traded on BATS Exchange (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/52279-obtain-all-tickers-traded-on-bats-exchange), MATLAB Central File Exchange. 取得済み .

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ヒントを得たファイル: Timezone Convert by Erwin Mayer with vector support

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