Ideal time-frequency analysis

バージョン (17 KB) 作成者: YuGang
Time-frequency analysis;Synchrosqueezing transform;
ダウンロード: 1.4K
更新 2015/6/24


A novel time-frequency analysis (TFA) method is proposed, which is called as parametric STFT (PSTFT). And it can achieve the ideal TF representation for strongly non-stationary signals. The corresponding paper "A method towards the ideal time-frequency representation for strongly non-stationary signals" has been submitted to MSSP.
I am a student pursuiting my Ph.D. degree in shandong university, in China, and will graduate at 2016.6. My research interests include blind source separation, modal identification, time-frequency analysis, machine condition monitoring, fault diagnosis and instantaneous sound pressure level calculation. I want to find a post-doctor position to continue the relative research. Can someone provide me with an appropriate position? I am grateful to that very much.
You can click my name "YuGang" to view my other works.


YuGang (2024). Ideal time-frequency analysis (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. に取得済み.

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