Nested Structure to table and or text file

バージョン (1.8 KB) 作成者: Gero Nootz
Converts nested structure to MatLab table and or text file
ダウンロード: 646
更新 2015/6/22


NestedStruct2table() uses the recursive function 'StepThroughCluster()' to extract data form a nested structure. The data is then converted to a table by the function 'convertCellsToTable()'. Allowed data fields are 'char' strings, one dimensional ‘double’ arrays and one dimensional ‘cell’ arrays of any size. The table can then be exported to a text file by using writetable(). Run 'ExsampleCode.m' for a demonstration


Gero Nootz (2024). Nested Structure to table and or text file (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 取得済み .

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作成: R2015a
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minor correction of file description