cqi_plotmatrix( data,varargin )

バージョン (18.8 KB) 作成者: Chen Qi
This function is used to plot seismic data in wiggles/wiggle-area
ダウンロード: 776
更新 2016/1/9


The function plot input data (2D matrix, each column represents a seismic trace) in wiggle/wiggle-area. You need to provide a 2D matrix with traces in columns as the first argument. Then you are able to use var_name,var_value (as plotting function) method to customize your plotting. Matlab slows when traces are crowed so set 'skip' and 'scale' parameters to make the plotting clearer. Other options can be referred to the function help.
For speedy plotting of wiggle variable area, please refer to my latest published function cqwva.

cqwva function has better plotting quality and speed. It is faster than most FileExchange functions for the same purpose.

Link: http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/54813-cqwva--d-y-x-lvl-clip-mode--


Chen Qi (2024). cqi_plotmatrix( data,varargin ) (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/51122-cqi_plotmatrix-data-varargin), MATLAB Central File Exchange. 取得済み .

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作成: R2015a
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comment updating
-6/30/2015: update UI controls to scale seismic traces and UI controls to scroll the traces in x and y directions. Some modifications have also been made to plot data and update data more efficiently.
-Update screen shot

2015/6/23: Bug fix: fix the bug caused by 'skip' parameter.
Add new parameter: oneobj and unit. The former one enable faster line plotting to make all lines objects a single one and the latter one specify the y label unit.

Previous submission omits one assist function. I pasted the function at the bottom of my previous function. Now it works great.