A Non-linear STFT

バージョン (6.35 KB) 作成者: YuGang
time-frequency analysis, non-linear IF.
ダウンロード: 1.1K
更新 2015/5/6


A novel time-frequency analysis (TFA) method is proposed, which is called as Non-linear STFT (NLSTFT). The corresponding paper "A Non-linear STFT With Application to Estimation of Instantaneous Frequency" has been submitted to IEEE signal process letter.
We want to develop an effective TFA method, which can chracterize the signal with time-varying instantaneous frequency. Acctually, the conventional TFA method is restricted in processing this type of signal. So in order to tackle this problem, we write the paper and implement the software for sharing my idea with others.


YuGang (2024). A Non-linear STFT (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/50760-a-non-linear-stft), MATLAB Central File Exchange. に取得済み.

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作成: R2011a
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