Plant Disease Classification

バージョン (263 KB) 作成者: Manu BN
A Matlab code to classify the type of disease using SVM
ダウンロード: 5K
更新 2016/1/26


A Matlab code is written to classify the type of disease affected leaf. Here I have considered two different types of diseases, i.e 'Anthranose' & 'Blackspot'. Segmentation of the disease affected area was performed by K means clustering. Over 13 different statistical and texture based features are extracted. Classification is done by SVM.
How to run??
1. Place the 'Disease Analysis' folder in your path
2. Run Classify.m
3. Select a leaf from the 'Disease Dataset' folder.
4. Observe the results of K means clustering.
5. In the dialogue box enter the cluster no containing the disease affected part. (1 or 2 or 3).
6. Observe the results on command window.
Note: This is a semi automatic approach for classification. Suggestion for improvement are always welcome.
A multiclass approach to the same is available in the following link:
Manu B.N


Manu BN (2024). Plant Disease Classification (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. に取得済み.

MATLAB リリースの互換性
作成: R2013a
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Disease Analysis/

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Links to a multiclass approach of the same are added

A multiclass approach to the same is available in the following link: