'ismember' for cell arrays with various data types

バージョン 1.1 (2.11 KB) 作成者: Wei-Rong Chen
'cellismember' is a function that performs 'ismember' on cell arrays with various data types
ダウンロード: 205
更新 2015/4/16


The built-in "ismember" function in MATLAB fails to perform when the input variables are cells containing different types of variables.
% This function 'cellismember' is a function that performs 'ismember' on
% cells with various data types.
% The input A and B must be cell arrays.
% Example:
% Input: A = {'ab','cd', NaN, [], 5, 1}; B = {[], 'cd', NaN, 1};
% output: Lia = [0 1 1 1 0 1];
% Acknowledgement:
% This function greatly benefits from Jan Simon's comments. The previous version was errorful.
% See 'ismember' for more information
% Weirong Chen Apr-16-2015


Wei-Rong Chen (2024). 'ismember' for cell arrays with various data types (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/50474-ismember-for-cell-arrays-with-various-data-types), MATLAB Central File Exchange. 取得済み .

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