Read Excel sheet into a structure array

バージョン 1.0 (7.59 KB) 作成者: Wei-Rong Chen
Read Excel sheet into a structure array
ダウンロード: 816
更新 2015/4/11


% outstruct=xls2struct(xlsFName,sheetnum)
% This function reads the sheet of 'sheetnum' of the input Excel file('xlsFName') and convert it into a
% 1x1 structure array 'outstruct' containing column fields.
% Each field in the output structure containes the data of the
% corresponding column in the input Excel sheet.
% The input Excel sheet MUST content a header row as the first row, which
% will serve as the field name of the output struct.
% 'sheetnum' : the number of the sheet in the input Excel file from which
% the data are read. Default = 1
% Example:
% xls2struct('text.xlsx');
% See also 'WriteXlsFromStruct.m'


Wei-Rong Chen (2024). Read Excel sheet into a structure array (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 取得済み .

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作成: R2008a
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