Image Warping

バージョン (893 Bytes) 作成者: Aisha
Image warping using bilinear interpolation
ダウンロード: 1.5K
更新 2014/10/16


%This function warps an image onto another within corner points using the
% homography matrix H
% Input Parameters : frame - image on which another image is to be warped
% imgToEmbed - image to be warped on frame
% H - Homography matrix
% cornerPts - corner points on frame in which warped
% image will be embed
% Output Parameters: warpedImg - final image after warping
Usage: warpedImg=imwarp( markerImage, imageToEmbed,H, vector1);

where vector1 is of meanpoints given in following format:
vector1= [ meanPoints(1,1) meanPoints(1,2);meanPoints(2,1) meanPoints(2,2); meanPoints(3,1) meanPoints(3,2); meanPoints(4,1) meanPoints(4,2)];

This function succesfully warps one image onto another. The only problem is that it takes 1.xx seconds in warping single image. I need some improvement in it to make it fast. Can anyone help me??


Aisha (2024). Image Warping (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 取得済み .

MATLAB リリースの互換性
作成: R2013a
Windows macOS Linux
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