Ellipsoid Method

バージョン (48.5 KB) 作成者: Florian
The ellipsoid method with visualization features.
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更新 2015/8/17

The Ellipsoid Method implemented in MATLAB. It finds a feasible solution to a set of inequalities (point within a polytope). It can use a central, shallow or deep cut. An almost optimal solution can be obtained by sliding objective method. It supports to plot the ellipses, the separating hyperplane and other insights for simple 2-dimensional problems.
It was written as part of my master's thesis at Technische Universität München in 2014.


Florian (2024). Ellipsoid Method (https://github.com/mrflory/masters-thesis-ellipsoid), GitHub. 取得済み .

MATLAB リリースの互換性
作成: R2014a
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