Arbitrary Line Cut

バージョン (1.83 KB) 作成者: Patrick
Dynamically plot arbitrary linecuts in 2D data with mouse control
ダウンロード: 448
更新 2015/8/17

Mouse-controlled method for creating linecuts in an arbitrary direction through 2D data
ARBLINECUT(H) enables mouse selection of an arbitrary line through a pcolor or image plot. Data along this line is interpolated and plotted in a new figure. H is the handle to a valid plot object. Once ARBLINECUT is called, click on the plot at one endpoint of the desired linecut and drag to the other endpoint, then release. Each mouse click will produce a new linecut.

With the main plot figure in focus, press the backspace key to delete all drawn lines and open linecut windows. Press the x or y key to set the bottom axis of all ensuing linecut plots to x or y. Press the return key or right click on the main figure in order to stop ARBLINECUT.


Patrick (2024). Arbitrary Line Cut (, GitHub. 取得済み .

MATLAB リリースの互換性
作成: R2012b
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