
バージョン (1.85 KB) 作成者: Patrick
Dynamically view X and Y linecuts of surf or image data
ダウンロード: 367
更新 2015/8/17

LINECUT(H) places a crosshair on the 3D plot with handle H. H can be a handle to a pcolor, surf, etc. plot or a non-RGB image. The crosshair can be moved with either the mouse or the arrow keys. Pressing enter removes the crosshair and stops linecut.

CH = LINECUT(H) returns a two element vector of handles to the X and Y linecut objects respectively.
Note that surface plots must have X and Y data that are either vectors or meshgrid formatted matrices.


Patrick (2024). linecut (, GitHub. 取得済み .

MATLAB リリースの互換性
作成: R2012b
Windows macOS Linux
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