Transmittance and Reflectance Spectra of Multilayered Dielectric Stack using Transfer Matrix Method

Transfer Matrix Method is used to calculate transmittance and reflectance of dielectric layers.
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更新 2016/7/7


Transfer Matrix Method is a commonly used tool in Optics. Here it is applied to a dielectric stack. Redheffer star product is used to combine scattering matrices of different layers. At the end for a range of wavelength , I plot transmittance and reflectance spectrum. I have referred the following links to make this code.
Ref (1):
Ref (2):


Sathyanarayan Rao (2024). Transmittance and Reflectance Spectra of Multilayered Dielectric Stack using Transfer Matrix Method (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 取得済み .

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A sign error in line 115 is corrected from X=expm(-Om*k0(q)*L(i)) to X=expm(Om*k0(q)*L(i));