
バージョン (2.57 MB) 作成者: Richard Tol
Code for FUND 4.0 MG
ダウンロード: 245
更新 2024/1/15

Matlab scripts for FUND 4.0 MG, an integrated assessment model of climate change that computes the social cost of carbon.
The code embeds the Maier-Reimer/Hasselmann carbon cycle models, models for other greenhouse gases and precursors, the Schneider/Thompson climate model, models of sea level and ocean pH, a Solow growth model, models of primary energy use and carbon dioxide emissions, and five alternative impact models.
The model is calibrated to data for the period 1750-2010. Variables are projected for the period 2010-2100, following the four main IPCC SRES scenarios.


Richard Tol (2024). rtol/FUND-Global (https://github.com/rtol/FUND-Global), GitHub. 取得済み .

MATLAB リリースの互換性
作成: R2013b
Windows macOS Linux

ヒントを得たファイル: Printing a formatted table

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