
バージョン (8.25 KB) 作成者: Oleg Komarov
Fill consecutive NaNs with last available value
ダウンロード: 155
更新 2015/8/17

NANFILLTS Fill NaNs in the time series with the previous valid observation

NANFILLTS(TSPANEL) TSPANEL should be a numeric matrix (or a vector)
where each series is a column with the oldest
observations in the first row (element) and the
most recent ones in the last row (element).

NANFILLTS(..., NOTRAIL) To avoid extrapolation of the last value of a
time series till the end of the panel, set
NOTRAIL to true (1). By default is false (0).

TSPANEL = NANFILLTS(...) Returns the same matrix with filled NaNs.

NOTE: leading NaNs are left untouched.


Oleg Komarov (2024). nanfillts (, GitHub. に取得済み.

MATLAB リリースの互換性
作成: R2014a
Windows macOS Linux
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