Automatically place the objects in a programatically created GUI, You can easily create panels, editboxes, text, listboxes, pushbuttons and more, without having to calculate its position, just a few setups for this function and it will do all the placements automatically for you.
%LAYCONTROL creates uicontrols within a figure's region or uipanel.
%% Description:
% Function LCONTROL creates diferent uicontrols un a figure's
% region or a uipanel, it starts filling the region with consecutive calls
% of the function using a left-to-right and top-to-bottom algorithm to
% ensure that all the uicontrols created are contained in the region or
% panel.
%% Use examples:
% h = layControl(hParent,'align','Center','tall',20, ...
% 'width',100, 'separation',2, 'region',[.5 0.5 0.5 0.5]);
% h = layControl(hparent,'panel',[0.5 0.5 0.35 0.35],...
% 'title','My panel', 'BackGroundColor',[.5 .5 .5]);
% [h, hCap] = layControl(hParent,'nextLine','caption','Type here', ...
% 'BackGroundColor','b',...
% 'Style','Edit','String','Edit here');
% h = layControl(hParent,'goBack',3,'Style','togglebutton');
% h = layControl(hParent,'style','popupmenu',...
% 'string',{'One','Two'},...
% 'Callback',@changeSelection);
Roberto (2025). Easy programatic GUI Layout (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. に取得済み.
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- MATLAB > App Building >
- MATLAB > App Building > Migrate GUIDE Apps >
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