Colour based segmentation

バージョン (101 KB) 作成者: Michala
Compute the area of the given color (color band) in the image
ダウンロード: 1.8K
更新 2014/2/28


The script computes how many [%] of the image the chosen colour (colour band) occupies.
Input: you have to know the RGB numbers (or bands) of the colour of interest.
The colour bands better capture the colour fluctuations.
Output: [%] of the image that are occupied by the given color(s). Images of Red, Blue, and Green masks of the original colour image, histograms of red, blue, and green parts of the image, distribution of the size of the blobs, mask excluding the small blobs, mask with the filled holes, comaprison of the original and final image, summary table: number of the blobs, their areas [pixel], and their colour. The resultant table is saved in *.xls file - blobs' area, colour, colour bands (user input), minimal size of the blobs (user input), [%] of the image covered by the chosen colour.

1) you can decide whether you want to get rid of small blobs of the colour areas (area smaller than given "user-input" value will be excluded)
2) you are asked if you want to fill the holes in the blobs found.
3) use "imtool" to explore the RBG colors in the image

Image source: Rocks under the Microscope

1) rgb table:
2) bwareaopen -
3) matlab webinar:


Michala (2025). Colour based segmentation (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. に取得済み.

MATLAB リリースの互換性
作成: R2011b
Windows macOS Linux

ヒントを得たファイル: sublabel, SimpleColorDetection()

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バージョン 公開済み リリース ノート

28.2.2014 (V13)- Create new folder for the results, automatically save images, headers in the xls file, saving the xls file (decision window), histogram of the size distribution.

An example image was added to the submission - the default values in the pop-up windows lead to the result presented in the screenshot of this submission.