
バージョン (2.88 KB) 作成者: Aubai
This file can be used to calculate the moving:mean,max,min,sum,rms,int of an input vector
ダウンロード: 764
更新 2013/9/10


This file is created to calculate the mathematical operation like 'max' on a pre-defined window range and with a pre-defined reduction range of an vector data.
This function will need the following inputs in order to calculate the wished results:
1- Inputdata_signal: A vector containg your Y-Values that need to be
2- Inputdata_time: A vector containg your x-Values that need to be
filtered (Normally is a time signal where the sampling rate can be
3- windowrange: in unit of time (s) is the range to calculate the needed
mathematical function (The moving range ex. mvmean(y,x,0.02,0.02) or mvrms(y,x,0.02,0.02))
4- reductionrange: in unit of time (s) is the scalling reference for
the new data
5- fn : is used to define the wished mathmatical operation (ex. @max, @min, @mean, @rms, @int)
%The relation between the windowrange input and the reductionrange input
%must be an integer value of 1:1.2:1..10:1. If not the reductionrange would
be corrected to get one of those relation. this specification give us the
possibility to calculate the 'mvstat_final' without using a for-Loop which will save a whole amount of time
for example:
fn = @mean
[output_signal,out_put_time] = mvstat_final (y,x,10,10)
the moving average will be calculated as a result of this function. every
10 s the mean value for the last 10 s will be calculated.
fn = @max
[output_signal,out_put_time] = mvstat_final (y,x,20,10)
the moving max will be calculated as a result of this function. every
10 s the maximum value for the last 20 s will be calculated.
fn = @min
[output_signal,out_put_time] = mvstat_final (y,x,5,10)
the moving min will be calculated as a result of this function. every
10 s the minmum value for the last 5 s will be calculated.
Notice: when the input values of windowrange and reductionrange are not
the same then at the beginning of the calculation the fn value of the a
available data will be calculated.
Is m.file will also allows you to calculate the intgration of your input
data in a spesific windowrange. in this case the reductionrange input
should be defined as in the example:
fn = @int;
[Ua_sin,Ua_sin_time] = mvstat(Ua_sin,U1_time,(1/f_grid),delta_t,fn); Ua_sin = Ua_sin*2*f_grid;
in this example the integration of your input data (in this case U1_sin)
will be calculated ever one period (normally this mean 0.02 s or 1/50 or
1/f_grid in our case). and then the reductionrange is in this case equal
to the sampling time of the inputdata (delta = U1_time(2)-U1_time(1)).
this work was done in order to bring FAMOS (IMC) software function into
Auther: Msc.Eng. Aubai Alkhatib
Datum: 10.09.2013


Aubai (2024). mvstat (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 取得済み .

MATLAB リリースの互換性
作成: R2013a
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