2-D Tomographic Reconstruction Demo

バージョン (678 KB) 作成者: Ligong Han
Matlab demo for 2-D tomographic reconstruction
ダウンロード: 4.7K
更新 2021/4/13

There are two main methods for tomographic reconstruction: one is based on Radon transform and its inverse transform such as filtered back-projection (FBP), another is based on solving linear algebra equations such as algebraic reconstruction technique (ART).
This toolbox includes tools for creating projections and reconstructing the image from projections:
tomo_projection_2d, computes projections of a given image;
build_weight_matrix, builds weighting factor matrix used for algebraic methods;
tomo_reconstruction_bp, reconstructs the image from its projections using BP method;
tomo_reconstruction_fbp, reconstructs the image from its projections using FBP method;
tomo_reconstruction_sart, reconstructs the image from its projections using SART method;
tomo_reconstruction_lsqr, reconstructs the image from its projections, equations are solved by calling the build-in lsqr function.
See demo.m for details.


Ligong Han (2024). 2-D Tomographic Reconstruction Demo (https://github.com/phymhan/matlab-tomo-2d), GitHub. に取得済み.

MATLAB リリースの互換性
作成: R2012a
Windows macOS Linux
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バージョン 公開済み リリース ノート

- removed art

Bug fixes in demo
- added a function 'imcrop_tomo' to crop the reconstructed image to the same size as the original image;
- enclosed a test function which illustrates the process of computing weighting factor matrix.
- updates high-pass filter

Change the diameter calculated in 'tomo_projection_2d' by adding 2, so that it will match the value computed from 'build_weight_matrix'.

- updated descriptions;
- fixed errors in art_solver.

- rearranged files
- rewrote demos
- added instructions

A more accurate method of building weight matrix

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