Weighted maximum matching in general graphs

Computes a maximum-weighted matching in a general undirected graph.
ダウンロード: 1.8K
更新 2015/8/16


Computes a maximum-weighted matching in a general undirected graph. There is the option to only consider maximum-cardinality matching.
Originally written by Joris van Rantwijk in Python:


Ported to MATLAB, with permission (and not optimized, e.g. for modularity), by Daniel R. Saunders, 2013. BSD license. http://danielrsaunders.com. Original header follows:

The algorithm is taken from "Efficient Algorithms for Finding Maximum Matching in Graphs" by Zvi Galil, ACM Computing Surveys, 1986. It is based on the "blossom" method for finding augmenting paths and the "primal-dual" method for finding a matching of maximum weight, both due to Jack Edmonds.
Some ideas came from "Implementation of algorithms for maximum matching on non-bipartite graphs" by H.J. Gabow, Standford Ph.D. thesis, 1973.

A C program for maximum weight matching by Ed Rothberg was used extensively to validate this new code.


Daniel Saunders (2025). Weighted maximum matching in general graphs (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/42827-weighted-maximum-matching-in-general-graphs), MATLAB Central File Exchange. に取得済み.

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作成: R2008b
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バージョン 公開済み リリース ノート

Fixed a bug that caused certain test cases to return suboptimal matches. Thanks to Jan and to Francesco Betti Sorbelli!