Three Red Candles Trading Strategy

バージョン (1.42 KB) 作成者: tadeveloper
A MATLAB trading strategy based on a candle stick pattern.
ダウンロード: 916
更新 2013/3/4


The "Three Red Candles" trading strategy buys at the open price of the next bar when three red candles occur in a row. A red candle is defined by the closing price of a bar being equal to or smaller than the opening price. The position is closed when three white candles occur in a row. A white candle is defined by the closing price of a bar being greater than the opening price.

Please see for a full description of the trading strategy.


tadeveloper (2024). Three Red Candles Trading Strategy (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 取得済み .

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作成: R2012b
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