Show figures

バージョン (1.25 KB) 作成者: Colin
A quick, lightweight function that makes viewing specific figures faster and easier.
ダウンロード: 327
更新 2013/1/24


This is a handy little function I wrote to save time when sorting through a barrage of figures when I know them by their handle number.

E.g. Say I wanted to look at figures 3,4, and 5... rather than making a loop using figure(ii) or sorting through them manually, you can just type:

show 345

*If you have double-digit figure numbers, you have to use the more conventional parentheses notation:


Either way, if you happen to have a vector of figure numbers you will plot frequently you can just use that as the input.

Hope you find it useful!


Colin (2024). Show figures (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 取得済み .

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作成: R2012a
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ヒントを与えたファイル: Specific Sample Function Plotting using MatLab 7.12

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