Analog Filter Design

バージョン (1.05 KB) 作成者: M M
Analog filter design using Butterworth & Chebyshev approximations.
ダウンロード: 16.4K
更新 2003/9/24


This program is used for Analog Filter Design.

This program designs a filter, computes the filter order, plots the impulse & step response, and computes the transfer function.

For Butterworth & Chebyshev Approximations:

Sample Run:
>> filters

Enter the Approximation method You will use
Enter (b) for Butterworth Approximation or (c) for Chebyshev : b

You choose Butterworth Approximation :
Enter (o) if You know the order or (d) for a filter design : d

Enter the normalized Rejection frequency : 2

Enter the Attenuation value at this frequency in dB : 30

The order of the filter is 5
Transfer function:
s^5 + 3.236 s^4 + 5.236 s^3 + 5.236 s^2 + 3.236 s + 1


M M (2024). Analog Filter Design (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 取得済み .

MATLAB リリースの互換性
作成: R12
Windows macOS Linux

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