Byte encoding utilities
Matlab encoding utilities
Matlab utilities to encode/decode a byte sequence. The package supports the
following features.
* Base64 encode
* ZLIB compression
* GZIP compression
* Image compression (image processing toolbox required)
The package internally uses JAVA functions. JAVA must be enabled in Matlab.
### Base64 encode
Use `base64encode` and `base64decode` for encoding/decoding.
>> x = 'foo bar';
>> z = base64encode(x)
z =
>> x2 = char(base64decode(z))
x2 =
foo bar
### ZLIB compression
Use `zlibencode` and `zlibdecode`.
>> x = zeros(1, 1000, 'uint8');
>> z = zlibencode(x);
>> whos
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
x 1x1000 1000 uint8
z 1x17 17 uint8
>> x == zlibdecode(z)
### GZIP compression
Use `gzipencode` and `gzipdecode`.
>> x = zeros(1, 1000, 'uint8');
>> z = gzipencode(x);
>> whos
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
x 1x1000 1000 uint8
z 1x29 29 uint8
>> x == gzipdecode(z)
### Image compression
Use `imencode` and `imdecode`. Both functions take image format in the second
argument. See `imformats` for the list of available formats on the platform.
>> im = imread('cat.jpg');
>> z = imencode(im, 'jpg');
>> whos
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
im 500x375x3 562500 uint8
z 1x24653 24653 uint8
>> im2 = imdecode(z, 'jpg');
Kota Yamaguchi (2025). Byte encoding utilities (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. に取得済み.
MATLAB リリースの互換性
Windows macOS Linuxカテゴリ
ヒントを与えたファイル: JSONLab (Development Branch), JSONLab: portable, robust JSON/binary-JSON encoder/decoder, dropboxPath.m
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