p_input - mimic functionality of "input" while publishing.

バージョン (2.25 KB) 作成者: Erik
This function mimics the behavior of the "input" function but works while publishing.
ダウンロード: 665
更新 2012/6/18


Function p_input (short for "publish_input"). This function operates similar to MATLAB's "input" function. The arguments are identical.

This function mimics the behavior of MATLAB's "input" function, but is suitable for use in scripts to be published. The "input" function does not work in a script being published. When using the "p_input" function (with the same arguments as the "input" function) a dialog box appears for user input. After input is complete "p_input" displays the input prompt as well as the user input; when the script is published this appears inline with the text.

This function is not useful if intermediate output from MATLAB is necessary because the "publish" feature displays no intermediate output. However, the prompt string could be changed to reflect the current program state.

Please feel free to contact me if you have a better solution.


Erik (2024). p_input - mimic functionality of "input" while publishing. (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/37200-p_input-mimic-functionality-of-input-while-publishing), MATLAB Central File Exchange. 取得済み .

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作成: R2010a
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