PV and IV characteristics plot of BPSX150s module

バージョン (16.4 KB) 作成者: NEERAJ
The simulation shows the pv and iv plot of bpsx150s module modelled in simscape.
ダウンロード: 3.3K
更新 2012/5/14


Bpsx150s is 1st modelled by connecting 72 cells in series.
being diffulty in connecting so i connected 6 cells in series and then made it as subs/m then copied made it to 18 and 36 and 72 which u can understand from the ckt.

this simulation is useful in understanding characteristics of solar module, but if we go into array simulation time is large.


NEERAJ (2024). PV and IV characteristics plot of BPSX150s module (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/36667-pv-and-iv-characteristics-plot-of-bpsx150s-module), MATLAB Central File Exchange. 取得済み .

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