
バージョン (1.88 KB) 作成者: Mark Mikofski
Create a set of objects from a text file.
ダウンロード: 247
更新 2012/3/1


MDC = MYDYNAMICCLASS(TEXTFILE) will create a set of class from TEXTFILE.

The file must be delimited by white spaces so for text use underscores. Do not use quotes anywhere.

The first line should begin with the Class name followed by a list of the Fields.

Each subsequent line should begin with the Member followed by the values for each of the Fields.

myDynamicClass will convert strings to numbers; and may read in arrays if they entered as strings and use commas instead of spaces.

MDC = MYDYNAMICCLASS(TEXTFILE,FORMAT) creates the file using a FORMAT string that conforms to the standard MATLAB textscan notation.


Mark Mikofski (2024). myDynamicClass (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. に取得済み.

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作成: R2011b
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