
バージョン (1.44 KB) 作成者: Pierce Brady
deal inputs to outputs. caters for cases where the number of input and output arguments do not match
ダウンロード: 154
更新 2011/8/25


% dealers - A dummy function for assigning inputs to outputs
% varargout = dummyfun(varargin)
% Assigns the inputs to the outputs. It is very similar to matlab's deal
% function but it caters for case where the number of inputs and outputs
% do not match.
% Example
% % Equal inputs and outputs
% % All inputs are assigned the output values
% [a,b,c] = dealing(1,2,3)
% % More inputs than outputs
% % The first 2 inputs are assigned to the outputs
% [a,b] = dealing(1,2,3)
% % More outputs than inputs
% % The first 2 outputs are assigned the input values
% % The remaining outputs are assigned to the last output
% [a,b,c] = dealing(1,2)
% % Useful for preventing errors when using anonymous function
% h = @(x,y,z)dealers(x,y,z);
% [a,b] = h(x,y,z)
% See also
% dealers
% deal


Pierce Brady (2024). dealers (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 取得済み .

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作成: R2009a
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