Choosse randomly number of elements from a vector
function [out]=random2(ini,fin,num)
% Choosse randomly a number (num) of elements from a vector [ini:fin]
% Randomly change the position of the vector. in pairs of twos
% Imput:
% ini: Beginning of the vector
% fin: End of the vector
% nun: Number of elements to choose from the range of vector [ini:fin]
% Output
% output vector
% Example
% [out]=random2(-20,20,10)
% out =
% -1 5 18 -3 1 -17 15 7 3 -6
% [out]=random2(5,50,10)
% out =
% 29 19 20 47 43 18 14 48 23 28
vr=ini:fin; % Reference Vector
lon=fin-ini; % variation or range of the vector
for nv=1:5*length(vr) % vector length.
p1=ceil(lon*rand); % randomly chooses position to move.
p2=ceil(lon*rand); % randomly selects the position where it is going to move.
tp=vr(p1); % temporal position.
vr(p1)=vr(p2); % Change inicial by end position.
vr(p2)=tp; % Change end by inicial position.
out=vr(1:num); % output vector
% contact:
% Dave Correa
Dave Correa (2024). Choosse randomly number of elements from a vector (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. に取得済み.
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