
バージョン (9.03 KB) 作成者: Jan
Programmatic control of the command window
ダウンロード: 1.7K
更新 2015/12/20


Programmatic control of the the command window
On a netbook with a tiny monitor, the toolbar and the statusbar of Matlab's
command window occupy valuable space. The function CmdWinTool uses
undocumented Java methods to hide these UI elements.
But the interface allows much more:
Reply = CmdWinTool(Command, Data)
Command as string:
lean, fat: Hide or show toolbar and statusbar
title: Set and get the window title
statusText: String in the statusbar at the bottom
toFront, toBack: Window before of behind other windows.
hide, show: Hide or show the window
JPosition: Set/get position relative to virtual screen, java conventions
Position: Set/get position relative to monitor (*), Matlab conventions
maximize, minimize, restore: guess...
xmax, ymax: maximize horizontally/vertically only (*)
toScreen: Move completely to nearest monitor (*)
getHWnd: Get OS handle of the window (Windows only?)
setFocus: Gain keyboard focus (*)
getText: Get text written to window.
top: Set AlwaysOnTop property
font: Set and get font name and size
background, foreground: Set and get font and background color
isBusy: TRUE if a program is running
The commands marked with (*) run under Windows only and need WindowAPI:
The other commands should run under MacOS and Linux also.
Tested: Matlab 6.5, 2008b, 2009a, 2011b, 2015b, WinXP, Win7, multi-monitors
Run uTest_CmdWinTool to check compatibility on your platform.
I'd appreciate bugreports and suggestions for improvements.
This function is inspired by Yair Altman's excellent investigations in the
secrets of Matlab. See


Jan (2024). CmdWinTool (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 取得済み .

MATLAB リリースの互換性
作成: R2015b
Windows macOS Linux
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ヒントを得たファイル: WindowAPI

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バージョン 公開済み リリース ノート

Supports Matlab 2015b now.

Minor change in teh documentation
Check busy status of Matlab, reply status text

Additional features: Font, ForeGround, BackGround.
Set and Get methods are joined: The current value is replied, if an output is used.