Read a National Instruments USB-TC01 single channel Thermometer in MATLAB

バージョン (3.67 KB) 作成者: Rob Purser
Read a National Instruments USB-TC01 single channel thermometer from MATLAB®
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更新 2016/9/1


Data Acquisition Toolbox™ software provides a complete set of tools for analog input, analog output, and digital I/O from a variety of PC-compatible data acquisition hardware.
Support for the National Instrument USB-TC01 device was added to Data Acquisition Toolbox in R2011b. If you have R2010b or R2011a, you can use this file plus the Data Acquisition Toolbox to collect data from this device.

obj = TC01(deviceID,probeType) creates an object OBJ representing the device with the DEVICEID assigned by the National Instruments Measurement and Automation Explorer, with the PROBETYPE of 'J','K','T', etc. representing the type of the thermocouple used.

Call the READ method one or more times on the object to retrieve the current temperature in Celsius. The first time this is called, there will be a short delay as the hardware is configured, but additional calls will go faster.

This requires the Data Acquisition Toolbox and MATLAB R2010b or later. Note that this object takes exclusive access to the hardware. To release it, clear the variable that the object is assigned to.

myTemp = TC01('Dev4','J');

ans =

% release the hardware
clear myTemp

For more information about the Data Acquisition Toolbox, visit


Rob Purser (2024). Read a National Instruments USB-TC01 single channel Thermometer in MATLAB (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 取得済み .

MATLAB リリースの互換性
作成: R2010b
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Noted that Data Acquisition Toolbox has built in support for this device in R2011b.