Compound Poisson simulation

バージョン (4.82 KB) 作成者: Ben Petschel
benchmarks several versions of code for generating Compound Poisson random variables
ダウンロード: 2.5K
更新 2009/12/10


Compound Poisson random variables are of the form S=X1+...+XN where the Xj are iid random variables and N is random with the Poisson distribution. Compound Poisson variables have many applications in physics and finance.

This file benchmarks several codes for generating 1 million random samples from a Compound Poisson distribution where the terms are Lognormal with mu=0 and sigma=1 and the Poisson frequency is 10.

The run times vary by a factor of more than 200 between the fastest and slowest versions (in R2009b). Interestingly, the fastest code is 10 times faster than the neat 1-liner that uses ARRAYFUN.

Requires POISSRND (Statistics Toolbox) and RANDRAW (FEX #7309).


Ben Petschel (2024). Compound Poisson simulation (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 取得済み .

MATLAB リリースの互換性
作成: R2009b
Windows macOS Linux

ヒントを得たファイル: RANDRAW

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