Highly portable JSON-input parser

バージョン (3.21 KB) 作成者: Nedialko
For any version of Matlab that may still be in use by the fileexchange community.
ダウンロード: 2.3K
更新 2009/11/3


The JSON quickly gains popularity for a good reason. To paraphrase Christophe Delord (http://christophe.delord.free.fr/tpg/)
JSON is born from a simple statement:
A simple human-like meta-language will quickly
justify its use in such cases as data exchange over the web (e.g. Google translate), configuration files, etc.



for an example of AUTOMATIC, PORTABLE & REUSABLE creation of GUI sets for Matlab.
(Note: p_json.m is at the core of this example too)

Hence it is worth the while to provide this novel facility to the widest possible audience of Matlab users.

Based on work from:

http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/ ::

F.Glineur 23393-another-json-parser: Faster, Clearer & More robust than #20565
J.Feenstra 20565-json-parser

This submission also provides a very simple (yet meaningful) use example (see also the screenshot).

Your test script (called a0t on the screenshot) may look like:

% ---------------------------------------------------------

fName = 'test02.jon';

fid = fopen(fName,'rt'); inString = fscanf(fid,'%c'); fclose(fid);

data = p_json(inString)

% ---------------------------------------------------------

and hence

inString == verbatim the 'test02.jon' TEXT input file,

provided in the .zip (see links below for more detail and more definitions):

% =========================================================
inString =

"name": {"type":"string"},
"age" : {"type":"integer",
"type" : "object"
"name" : "John Doe",
"age" : 30

% =========================================================

*** See also:

Given the topical nature of the JSO notation we invite the user to take a look at places like:





Nedialko (2025). Highly portable JSON-input parser (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/25713-highly-portable-json-input-parser), MATLAB Central File Exchange. に取得済み.

MATLAB リリースの互換性
作成: R10
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バージョン 公開済み リリース ノート

Corrected typos & added the auto-GUI example & its link