
A tool which can refine a set of multiple alignments to reduce the global alignment score.
ダウンロード: 512
更新 2009/10/23


While tools can generally find the optimal pairwise sequence alignment the same is not true for multiple alignments. The process used by the MathWorks multialign function will often provide a suboptimal solution. This tool can refine a multiple alignment to provide a more optimal solution, although it is not guaranteed to find the best possible solution. This tool splits the provided alignment, removes gaps, and then re-aligns the two profiles; if the new alignment has a better score then it is kept. This tool can use either a stochastic, deterministic or mixed method of determining how to split the alignment for the optimal score. This submission also includes .mat file with a large alignment of HIV-1 Env sequences which can be refined using this tool.


Will Dampier (2025). RefineAlignments (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. に取得済み.

MATLAB リリースの互換性
作成: R2009b
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