バージョン (6.16 KB) 作成者: Kenneth Eaton
Read AIFF (Audio Interchange File Format) sound file.
ダウンロード: 4K
更新 2009/3/17


This function will read audio data from AIFF and AIFC/AIFF-C files. The file format standards I followed to write this function are cited below. At some point I will also write the corresponding AIFFWRITE, but AIFFREAD was all I needed for the moment and all I had time to complete. If you have any problems, leave a comment here or shoot me an email and I'll address them at my earliest convenience.

Description for the AIFF standard can be found here:

Descriptions for the AIFC/AIFF-C standard can be found here:


AIFFREAD Read AIFF (Audio Interchange File Format) sound file.
Y = AIFFREAD(FILE) reads an AIFF file specified by the string FILE,
returning the sampled data in Y. The ".aif" extension is appended if no
extension is given.

[Y,FS,NBITS,CHUNKDATA] = AIFFREAD(FILE) returns the sample rate (FS) in
Hertz, the number of bits per sample (NBITS) used to encode the data in
the file, and a complete structure of the chunk data (CHUNKDATA)
contained in the AIFF file (minus the actual audio data returned in Y).
See below for a description of CHUNKDATA.

[...] = AIFFREAD(FILE,N) returns only the first N samples from each
channel in the file.

[...] = AIFFREAD(FILE,[N1 N2]) returns only samples N1 through N2 from
each channel in the file.

[SIZ,...] = AIFFREAD(FILE,'size') returns the size of the audio data
contained in the file in place of the actual audio data, where
SIZ = [nSampleFrames nChannels].


Kenneth Eaton (2024). AIFFREAD (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 取得済み .

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