Generate report of .m files in html table

Generates a report of the m-files in a given directory. Results are stored in an html file.
ダウンロード: 2.4K
更新 2009/2/24


This is a simple function that can help you to organize your m-files stored in a directory. It reads the m-files of a given directory, retrieves the help text (using the help() function), and generates a simple html table that contains the list of the m-files along with their size and their description (if any description is found).
Execution example:

This m-file may be useful if you want to create a quick report of your m-files, or if you are lost because you have too many m-files in a directory and limited documentation. Of course, it will be needed to have some help (i.e. comments in the beginning of each function).


Theodoros Giannakopoulos (2024). Generate report of .m files in html table (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. に取得済み.

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作成: R14
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