Circle Fit (Taubin method)

Fits a circle to a set of data points on a plane; returns the circle center (a,b) and radius R.
ダウンロード: 9.5K
更新 2009/1/13


編集メモ: This file was selected as MATLAB Central Pick of the Week

This is a robust and accurate circle fit. It works well even if data
points are observed only within a small arc. This circle fit was
proposed by G. Taubin in article "Estimation Of Planar Curves, Surfaces And Nonplanar Space Curves Defined By Implicit Equations, With Applications To Edge And Range Image Segmentation", IEEE Trans. PAMI, Vol. 13, pages 1115-1138, (1991). It is more stable than the simple Circle Fit by Kasa (files
#5557 and #22642) and slightly faster than Circle Fit by Pratt (file #22643).


Nikolai Chernov (2024). Circle Fit (Taubin method) (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 取得済み .

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