Master-Slave Optimization (MSO)

バージョン 1.0.0 (2.08 KB) 作成者: praveen kumar
Rastrigin Function is tested
ダウンロード: 14
更新 2024/11/15


Explanation of the Code:
  1. Initialization: The algorithm initializes a population of slave agents, distributing them randomly within the given bounds.
  2. Parallel Evaluation (parfor): The parfor loop (from MATLAB’s Parallel Computing Toolbox) is used to distribute solution evaluations across multiple slave agents in parallel, speeding up the optimization process.
  3. Solution Perturbation: Each slave agent generates a new solution by adding a small random perturbation to its current position and then evaluates the fitness of this new solution.
  4. Master Node: Collects results from all slave agents, updates the global best solution, and manages the iteration process.
  5. Objective Function: The Rastrigin function is used as a test case, but you can replace it with your own objective function.
  • Objective Function: Replace objFunc with your custom function to optimize.
  • Parameters: Adjust the number of slave agents, iterations, and search space bounds as needed.
  • Parallel Computing: Ensure you have the Parallel Computing Toolbox installed and configured to use parfor.
  • The parfor loop can significantly speed up computations for problems that are expensive to evaluate. If you don’t have the Parallel Computing Toolbox, you can replace parfor with a regular for loop, but it will run sequentially.


praveen kumar (2025). Master-Slave Optimization (MSO) (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. に取得済み.

MATLAB リリースの互換性
作成: R2022b
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master-slave optim

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