Royal Crown Optimization (RCO) Algorithm

バージョン 1.0.0 (2.21 KB) 作成者: praveen kumar
sphere function is tested
ダウンロード: 6
更新 2024/11/11


Explanation of the Code
  1. Initialization: Agents are randomly distributed within the search space, and their initial fitness values are computed.
  2. Roles and Hierarchy:
  • King: Represents the best solution found so far.
  • Nobles: Make small adjustments around the King's position to refine the search.
  • Knights: Explore new regions to ensure diversity and avoid getting trapped in local optima.
  1. Iteration: The algorithm iteratively updates the Nobles and Knights and checks if a better King (solution) has been found.
  2. Termination: The loop runs until the maximum number of iterations is reached, or if no significant improvement is observed.
MATLAB リリースの互換性
作成: R2022b
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