Adaptive Linear Neuron model Animation

バージョン 1.0.0 (4.1 MB) 作成者: Hamed Najafi
Adaptive Linear Neuron can be used in signal processing and extraction of harmonics and dc offset in a voltage/current signal in an APF
ダウンロード: 11
更新 2024/6/15


you can see the result at:

Animation of how an Adaptive Linear Neuron works. Adaline Animation

Power of the Adaptive Linear Neuron (AdaLiNe) in signal processing!

🔍 What is AdaLiNe (Adaptive Linear Neuron)? AdaLiNe is a type of artificial neuron that adapts its weights based on the least mean squares (LMS) algorithm. It's a linear model that adjusts its parameters to minimize the difference between the predicted and actual values, making it ideal for various signal processing tasks. 💡 Application in Harmonic Extraction In this animation, I illustrate how AdaLiNe can be used to extract harmonics and DC offset from voltage and current signals. This process is crucial for active power filters (APFs), which selectively compensate for harmonic distortion in power systems. By accurately identifying and isolating these harmonics, APFs can significantly improve the quality and efficiency of electrical power delivery. 📊 Animation Highlights Harmonic Extraction: Watch how the AdaLiNe neuron adapts to extract specific harmonic components and DC offset from the signal. Real-Time Adaptation: Observe the dynamic adjustment of the AdaLiNe neuron in real-time signal processing. for more information you can check these papers:


And check the link below to see Dr. Widrow's (one of the inventors of AdaLiNe) explanation on this topic:

To download Code visit my github:

hashtag#SignalProcessing hashtag#AdaLiNe hashtag#ArtificialNeuron hashtag#PowerQuality hashtag#ActivePowerFilters hashtag#


Hamed Najafi (2024). Adaptive Linear Neuron model Animation (, GitHub. に取得済み.

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作成: R2024a
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