Lidar Toolbox Interface for OpenPCDet Library

Detect objects from point clouds using voxel R-CNN object detector from OpenPCDet
ダウンロード: 8
更新 2024/6/19
Lidar Toolbox™ Interface for OpenPCDet Library enables you to detect objects from point clouds using pretrained Voxel R-CNN [1] models and training models using your own data.
Using the support package, you can:
  • Configure a Voxel R-CNN object detection using voxelRCNNObjectDetector object.
  • Load pretrained models trained on KITTI and PandaSet data sets using the object detector.
  • Train a custom Voxel R-CNN model using the trainVoxelRCNNObjectDetector function.
Please refer to the documentation for examples to help get started with workflows such as training and transfer learning a pretrained Voxel R-CNN model on custom dataset.
To learn more about OpenPCDet library, visit the OpenPCDet GitHub® repository.
[1] Deng J, Shi S, Li P, Zhou W, Zhang Y, Li H. Voxel r-cnn: Towards high performance voxel-based 3d object detection. InProceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence 2021 May 18 (Vol. 35, No. 2, pp. 1201-1209).
MATLAB リリースの互換性
作成: R2024b
R2024b と互換性あり
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