Multivariate symbolic math function from input sym vector

バージョン 1.0.1 (2.82 KB) 作成者: Imran Khan
Outputs multidimensional and multivariate symbolic function from input symbolic vector
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更新 2024/6/12


Currently, MATLAB's symbolic toolbox does not allow functions to be defined in the following way:
N = 3;
syms my_var [N 1];
syms my_func(my_var);
At present, doing this deletes the my_var variable and overwrites it as a scalar. The only way to define multivariate functions is explicitly, which requires knowing the input vector dimensionality beforehand:
syms my_func(my_var1,my_var2,my_var3);
my_var = [my_var1;my_var2;my_var3];
This function allows my_func to be defined through its input vector my_var:
N = 3;
syms my_var [N 1];
It also allows creation of multidimensional symbolic functions by just specifying the function_dimension, e.g. instead of:
syms my_func1(my_var1,my_var2,my_var3);
syms my_func2(my_var1,my_var2,my_var3);
syms my_func3(my_var1,my_var2,my_var3);
syms my_func4(my_var1,my_var2,my_var3);
syms my_func5(my_var1,my_var2,my_var3);
my_var = [my_var1;my_var2;my_var3];
my_func = [my_func1;my_func2;my_func3;my_func4;my_func5];
The function can be called:
N = 3;
syms my_var [N 1];
my_func = makeMultivariateSymFunctionFromInputVector(my_var,"my_func",5);
See the example m-file for more usage examples.


Imran Khan (2024). Multivariate symbolic math function from input sym vector (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. に取得済み.

MATLAB リリースの互換性
作成: R2022a
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