
バージョン (470 KB) 作成者: Damian Trif
MATLAB package for u_t+Lu=N(u,\nabla u)
ダウンロード: 1.2K
更新 2007/9/26


LiScM2 is a MATLAB package for the numerical solutions of some partial differential evolution equations u_t+Lu=N(u,\nabla u), with boundary and initial conditions, where L is a 2D linear elliptic operator (Laplace operator for this version) and N is a nonlinear part.

The algorithm is based on the eigenfunctions expansion together with the Lyapunov-Schmidt reduction procedure. The eigenfunction basis of the linear part L of the problem is used to represent the solution at every time level and these eigenfunctions are calculated in a preprocessing stage. A boundary-fitted computational grid is generated in order to allow a complex geometry of the physical domain in the 2D case.


Damian Trif (2024). LiScM2.0 (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 取得済み .

MATLAB リリースの互換性
作成: R2006a
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