Examples of Deep Learning of Dynamic Systems

バージョン 1.0.0 (4.15 MB) 作成者: Rajiv Singh
Examples used in the IFAC SYSID'24 conference paper titled "Deep Learning of Dynamic Systems using System Identification Toolbox"
ダウンロード: 22
更新 2024/5/2


This contribution makes available the MATLAB code behind the examples described in the conference paper:
Tianyu Dai, Khaled Aljanaideh, Rong Chen, Rajiv Singh, Alec Stothert, Lennart Ljung, Deep Learning of Dynamic Systems using System Identification Toolbox.
The conference is "IFAC 20th SYSID 2024" (July 17-18, 2024, Boston, USA)
The following examples are included:
  1. Black-box Modeling of Robot Arm Dynamics
  2. Neural State Space Model of SI Engine Torque Dynamics
  3. Feature Selection Using Sparse Optimization
  4. Extending Neural State Space Models to Reduce States using Autoencoders


Rajiv Singh (2024). Examples of Deep Learning of Dynamic Systems (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/165076-examples-of-deep-learning-of-dynamic-systems), MATLAB Central File Exchange. 取得済み .

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