Bullseye Polar Data Plot

バージョン (5.25 KB) 作成者: Daniel Ennis
This function creates smooth patches of polar data in "bullseye" plot.
ダウンロード: 2.9K
更新 2016/3/31


BULLSEYE plots patch data in polar coordinates. The DATA matrix is mapped to a bullseye plot as follows. The matrix rows are mapped to the circumference and matrix columns are mapped to radial direction. For example, the top-left (first row, first column) data point in the matrix is mapped to the inner-most radial patch and starts from 0 degrees (far right of bullseye, not top) and extends counter-clockwise.

If you use the hard coded cardiac anatomic lables then this first row is within the INFEROTLATERAL segment. The last row is within the INFERIOR segment.


Daniel Ennis (2024). Bullseye Polar Data Plot (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/16458-bullseye-polar-data-plot), MATLAB Central File Exchange. 取得済み .

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作成: R2006a
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