
バージョン 1.01 (1.81 KB) 作成者: Dirk-Jan Kroon
Convert files from Matlab with Microsoft Word to another format. For example HTML to docx or PDF.
ダウンロード: 14
更新 2024/4/5


Effortlessly convert HTML (or other) files to DOC, DOCX, TXT, PDF, or RTF formats using the provided functionality. This involves initiating Microsoft Word via ActiveX, opening the HTML file as a new document, saving it to disk, and then gracefully closing Word.
Generating an HTML file with text and images from Matlab requires no additional toolboxes, thanks to resources like htmlreports from the file exchange. The "html2docx.m" function efficiently converts the HTML file to a PDF or DOCX, streamlining the process.


Dirk-Jan Kroon (2024). html2docx (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 取得済み .

MATLAB リリースの互換性
作成: R2022b
Windows macOS Linux
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