Aircraft Performance Analyzer APA Live Task

The APA Live Task lets you interactively analyze the performance of your electric fixed-wing aircraft design.
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更新 2024/3/20

Aircraft Performance Analyzer (APA) Live Task

View Aircraft Performance Analyzer (APA) Live Task on File Exchange

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The APA Live Task lets you interactively analyze the performance of your electric fixed-wing aircraft design. These performance insights help you further optimize the design against the design requirements. This live task offers multiple performance analysis capabilities:

  1. Power requirements: Required power, max. available power, drag vs. speed, max speed, min drag speed, stall speeds for various operations
  2. Range and Endurance: Rangevs. speed, endurance vs. speed, and speeds for max range and max endurance
  3. Take-off: Various take-off phases and total take-off distance
  4. Landing: Various landing phases and total landing distance


  • you can export the Aero.FixedWing object for further pursuing stability analysis.
  • you can edit the generated code and extend the performance analysis as per your requiremts.

APA Live Task

How to use it?

For detailed information on various inputs-outputs, and how to use the APA Live Task, please refer Live Task Documentation.


To run:

  1. Download the repository and open it in the MATLAB environment.
  2. Install 'Aircraft Performance Analyzer (APA) Live Task.mltbx' by double clicking on it.
  3. Open a new live script and start typing 'aircraft'. Select "Aircraft Performance Analyzer" from suggestions.

APA Search

MathWorks Products (

  1. MATLAB release R2022a or higher
  2. Aerospace Toolbox

Additional resources

Learn MATLAB with following resources

  1. MATLAB Onramp
  2. Explore MATLAB Examples and Documentation
  3. Get Started with Introductory MATLAB Videos


The license for Sensitivity Analysis with MATLAB for Student Competition Scores is available in the License.txt file in this GitHub repository.

For any queries, contact the authors at

Copyright 2024 The MathWorks, Inc.


MathWorks Student Competitions Team (2024). Aircraft Performance Analyzer APA Live Task (, GitHub. 取得済み .

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作成: R2024a
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