Structure filed decapsulator

バージョン 1.0.1 (1.36 KB) 作成者: Jungmin kim
This function creates variables in the workspace for each struct field with the field's name & value
ダウンロード 1 件
更新 2024/3/30


This function creates a variable in the executed workspace for each of the fields in the struct with the name and value of each field. It's intended to run in a local function, but it can also work elsewhere, probably.
This function only works when executed in the following manner:
function xxx = yyy(zzz)
evalComment = decapsulator(config,'config',0); % 0 is not vorbose, 1 is verbose at command line
%%% You can play every val in the structure !!!
The idea of this function is to create an evalComment when varnargin is 3, and a function that is executed by eval when varargin is 4.
Good luck, commander !


Jungmin kim (2024). Structure filed decapsulator (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 取得済み .

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作成: R2024a
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